Yale Realty & Capital Advisors has successfully guided the sale and closing of an RV & Fishing Resort in Central Florida for $2,625,000.

120 +/- Space RV Park Closed

Crystal River Region – Florida

Purchase Price – $2,625,000

Utilities- WWTP and Well

Cap Rate – 8-9% / Personal Guarantee Financing

The subject community is a beautiful ancient oak wooded RV resort on a massive man-made lake that is very popular for fishing and boating. The community featured amenities including heated pool, laundry, gaming, and multiple bathhouses.

The site has roughly 120 RV spaces and included two small rental houses . The property demonstrated a strong year-round d emand because of the natural water feature.

blog-2-imageSeller was the classic “mom and pop” owner, who maintained it to the highest standard and never pushed rates. Family- operated for roughly 15 years, there was tremendous goodwill. As with most family operated properties, the books and records were in difficult shape and format. Yale spent extensive resources preparing the property for sale. Ultimately, without the reports and backing up of data done by Yale, financing or appraising a sale would have been very difficult.

Owner sent their thanks at closing by simply stating: ” What a blessing you have been, I could not have done it without you!”